May 15, 2019 | Posted by admin | no comments |
So here’s the situation: Your family vacation is rapidly approaching, but the dream hotel you’ve booked doesn’t allow pets. All your trusted friends and family members are out of town themselves or can’t watch your beloved family dog for other reasons. What options do you have? You might feel nervous about leaving your pet with people you’ve never met for an extended period of time, but everything will turn out great as long as you choose a facility with all the right qualities. To give you a head start, here are the top three features you should look for when you’re searching for the best facility for dog boarding in Charleston, SC.
By far the most important consideration for your dog while your family is away is safety. No matter how pleasant the facility is and no matter how loving and attentive the staff is, your dog will inevitably feel a little anxious at being in unfamiliar circumstances. A dog boarding facility must have the infrastructure in place to keep its guests from attempting a great dash and escape.
Any time you put a number of different dogs in the same space for the first time, there will be a period of getting to know one another. Some of the most important tasks of staff members are to carefully plan and monitor the interactions of pets, making sure to avoid any confrontations between them. The staff should group dogs in such a way that everyone “gets along,” and sometimes that means keeping dogs with more aggressive, territorial, or antisocial temperaments separated from the rest.
Nutrition and Exercise
The last thing you want is to return from a relaxing family vacation, only to find that the Charleston pet resort you chose has fed your dog on the canine equivalent of junk food and allowed her to lie around all day! Dogs need a natural, high-protein diet and a balanced routine of exercise and rest, and you should make sure that the dog boarding facility you settle on understands those needs and is committed to providing them for your pet.
And of course, every dog breed and even every individual dog has its own unique set of nutritional and exercise needs! A great dog boarding facility doesn’t just take a one-size-fits-all approach to feeding and playing with their guests; rather, they listen carefully to the owners to find out what each dog is accustomed to, then do all they can to ensure that they give the most appropriate care to each dog.
Attentive Staff
Obviously, the most important asset of any dog boarding facility is the people who work there! A group of workers who genuinely love animals, have a wealth of experience and knowledge to draw from, and want to help each dog stay healthy and happy throughout their stay can provide for you exactly what you were hoping for—a safe, enjoyable vacation for your dog while you and your family enjoy the same thing.
Moonshadow Pet Resort
As you might have already guessed, Moonshadow Pet Resort offers all three of these top features for you and your pets. Our beautiful property, nearly 10 acres in size, is conveniently located in Johns Island, just a few miles from Charleston. Our owners, managers, and staff members are all simply crazy over animals, and we can’t think of any better job than spending every day getting to know our client’s pets, giving them the love and care they deserve, and making sure their owners know that they are being well cared for.
If you need a safe, healthy, and fun place for your dog or cat to spend a few days, a few weeks, or even longer, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We’d love to chat with you or to host you for a visit to our facility, where you can meet our dedicated staff and see how we do things here at Moonshadow. We can’t wait to meet you and your pets!